Since 2012

Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX
Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX stc solutions
Spark Project

An Ambitious Project

stc Solutions
Website UI / UX

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STC solutions a leading communication solution provider in the kingdom of saudia arabia STC- S is Enabling the public and private sectors to meet the new trends and ongoing demands of the digital age, and spark was a partner in their growth as the creator of their website, ideating the journey of the users through an intuitive actions and a curious approach, crafting the ideal.

Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX
Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX
Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX

The strategy

Sparks’ role in bnl’s website included a great deal of creativity and art Direction, UX, GUI, Development and CGI, with a purpose of making their website interactive and lively, Demonstrating the functionalities of the website with ease and simplified navigation, ensuring content structure is readable and clear for all users.

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Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX
Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX
Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX
Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX
Spark Projects - stc Solutions Website UI / UX