Since 2012

Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App
Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App GDT
Spark Project

An Ambitious Project

Mobile Application

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The general directory of traffic is a governmental organization leading the peoples needs to regulating traffic records within the kingdom of bahrain, and spark had the opportunity to build a mobile application that digitizes the process of handling the traffic records and payments with eased functionality, ensuring that the user experience is direct and understandable.

Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App

THE strategy

Spark was tasked with developing a detailed mobile application for GDT, ensuring that content navigation is easy to understand, a wireframing that connects to the modern day user with crafted functionality and plugins, and the project included UI/UX, integrations and development.

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Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App
Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App
Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App
Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App
Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App Spark Projects - GDT Mobile App