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Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019
Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019 Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019
Spark Project

An Ambitious Project

stc 2019
Digital annual report/print

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Saudi Telecom Company (stc) is a leading telecom and technology services provider for individuals and businesses. They strive for innovative solutions and to set new benchmarks via their Communication services. The project of the Annual report for 2019 was a Challenge where they needed an immersive digital experience for the digital version of the annual report, keeping in mind that it is a print as well , we had ideate the final results and assure that it would be visually captivating and attractive to the users and viewers.

Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019
Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019
Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019

The strategy

We adopted a strategic approach Working within the guidelines of the existing stc brand system for the UI/UX experience and through in depth design exercises and activities, where brainstorming sessions happened often to truly capture the ideal experience for stc 2019 annual report.

We produced visuals and videos with a storytelling influence to its viewer, reimagined navigation, and brought contextual examples to life, achieving the final result that gained approval from the stc team, and many satisfied customers.

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Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019
Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019
Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019
Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019
Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019 Spark Projects - STC Annual Report 2019