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Why Traditional CSR Approaches Might Not Be Enough for Modern Customers

Consumers are becoming ever more conscious of the sustainability and ethical practices that brands do or do not uphold, so it’s crucial for businesses, small and large, to reconsider how they operate as a whole. What brands fail to account for lives beyond the present-day trends in consumer concerns, such as reduced emissions, recyclable packaging and materials, and basic workers’ rights. Many brands are simply trying to catch up to these matters and, in doing so, have already fallen behind.

Slowly adopting small changes is not enough for consumers, and brands can quickly come under scrutiny for exaggerating how sustainable their companies are. Some companies have even provided just one eco-friendly product to lure customers their way, which is a surefire way to become nixed. Another reason companies can come under scrutiny is because they are not acting as leaders in sustainability but are simply following the trend to save face. Suppose companies want to practice authentic and genuine corporate social responsibility. In that case, it’s essential to look to the future of what consumers will want in five to ten years versus what is trending now.

Becoming a brand for the future is no easy feat, but it is necessary. When it comes to protecting the longevity of a business in a sustainable world, there are four steps every company needs to begin with, and we will lay them out below.

Understand The
Present Situation

Activism has played a defining role in the state of business operations. Brands that have heard the cries of the people and responded in kind are growing at an exponential pace. Coca-Cola has committed to reducing its carbon footprint by 25% by 2030. Netflix offers 52 weeks of paid parental leave, and Google has publicly spoken about social issues affecting minority communities. As a forward-thinking brand, it is essential to understand how businesses have already changed to create a more positive impact on the world.


Beyond looking at each change as an individual effort, brands need to view the changes as a new operating system. When it comes to predicting what consumers want in the future, companies need to adopt a holistic ethos regarding their corporate social responsibility. Just one change is not enough. Consumers’ concerns need to be looked at as a whole to create a complete overhaul of operations. Becoming a future- and forward-thinking leader comes down to looking at processes from A to B and designing an entirely ethical supply chain.

The Better Alternative

Understanding sustainability measures means getting familiar with the pros and cons of each alternative. Consumers in the future won’t be looking to companies who promote a recycling-first narrative–they will be looking towards companies who choose the more sustainable option of finding alternatives to plastic altogether. Weigh your options carefully and look at how you can improve your sustainability measures moving forward. Innovative business models will transform the way people consume and create an entirely new reality for the world.

The Desired Result

To create the world that conscious consumers want to
live in, we need to look towards the future.

Looking at consumer concerns is the first step. The last step is delivering on them . As we have said, staying focused on the present puts us behind the curve of where we could already be. For companies to be successful in five or even twenty years, anticipating how consumer desires will change and grow is essential. To be truly effective, brands now need to ensure that not only will their business exist far into the future, but people and the planet will too.

When considering how sustainability looks for your brand, examine companies like Spotify, Netflix, Tesla, and TOMS if you’re looking for inspiration. These brands have developed a forward-thinking mentality that revolves around a truly sustainable narrative. Corporate responsibility is not merely a part of their business operations–it is at the core of who they are. And that is a future consumers can stand by.